
Treating Allergies in Pets

Treating Allergies in Pets

Vero Beach pet allergy services

Just like people, pets can experience allergy symptoms due to different factors in their environment. Allergy symptoms can manifest as a runny nose, itchy eyes, skin rash, or even hives. It is possible that your pet may be allergic to something they encounter every day, or they may be allergic to another pet in the home. Divine Animal Hospital can help you determine what might be bothering your pet so that the appropriate treatment can be identified. Keep reading to learn more about allergies in pets and what you can do to keep your pet comfortable.

Many things in your pet's environment could be contributing to their allergy symptoms. Pollen, pet dander, mold, grass, and weeds could all cause flu-like symptoms. Your pet may also experience atopic dermatitis which manifests as a rash or itchy spot on their skin. Both cats and dogs can experience atopic dermatitis. This condition is uncomfortable for your pet and it could actually put them at risk for a bacterial infection. If your pet itches their skin to the point of causing a wound, they could develop an infection or other serious health complication. Flu-like symptoms that may occur due to allergens include runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, weezing, and even yeast infections in their paws. If your pet is itching, scratching, chewing at their paws or toes, or rubbing their body on furniture, they may be allergic to something in their environment.

Food allergies may also cause a major reaction in your pet's physical health. This type of allergy can vary in severity, but some reactions can be seriously dangerous for your pet. These symptoms can include breaking out in hives, vomiting, diarrhea, facial swelling, itchiness, or even irregular breathing or heart palpitations. Food sensitivities are less severe than allergies, but they can still cause GI discomfort for your pet. Foods that may cause sensitivities include wheat products, soy, dairy, eggs, corn, beef, or chicken. If your pet is sensitive to certain types of food, they may vomit or experience diarrhea if they ingest something they shouldn't. Signs that your pet is not meeting their nutritional needs include skin irritation, poor coat quality, breaking whiskers, and chronic ear or foot infections. Ask our Vero Beach veterinarian if your pet may be experiencing a food sensitivity or if they are not absorbing nutrients as they normally should.

An accurate diagnosis of an allergy or food sensitivity can be difficult to obtain. For food issues, an elimination diet will be the first step to uncovering your pet's sensitivity. That means that you will need to stick to a strict diet as recommended by our Vero Beach veterinarian and only add other food items gradually over time so that you can document any changes in your pet's digestion. For skin issues or frequent infections, it may be best to evaluate what topical creams or soaps you are putting on your pet. Allergy testing can be tricky to narrow down, and sometimes a keen eye may be your best option for understanding what is irritating your pet.

Environmental factors are typically seasonal, so allergy medications or shots can help to reduce uncomfortable symptoms. Treating your pet's allergy will be dependent on what is triggering their symptoms and the severity of their reaction. Lifestyle changes may be the most effective way to keep your pet comfortable.

Some allergy symptoms may require immediate care. Always have our emergency Vero Beach veterinarian listed as a contact in your phone so that you can quickly reach us if your pet gets hurt. Bee stings, sudden poisoning, or other reactions may put your pet in a life-threatening situation. Try to keep a close eye on your pet whenever you are outside or in an unfamiliar area. Call our Vero Beach veterinarian if you have any questions about your pet's specific health risks. You can schedule a visit by calling our office at (772) 299-3665 or by filling out a contact request form directly on our site.

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