
How to Get Started With Vero Beach Pet Behavior Training

Vero Beach Pet Behavior Training

3 Simple Tips on How to Get Started With Vero Beach Pet Behavior Training

Are you experiencing behavioral issues with your pet such as destroying property, constant barking, and escape attempts from the yard or house? It may be time to consider pet behavior training.

Not only can training keep your pet safe, but it can also help hyperactive pets stay mellow, as training takes lots of mental energy. You’ll also develop a stronger bond with your pet.

With this in mind, keep reading to learn how to prepare and begin your furry loved one’s Vero Beach pet behavior training!

Set Realistic Training Goals

The most important tip you need to know takes place before you even get started. It’s important that you home in on what specific behavior you want to change or encourage.

Once you identify that behavior, get as detailed as you can about what you want to happen instead–this will make it easier for both you and your pet!

Here are a couple examples:

  • Vague Goal: “I want my dog to stop jumping on people.”
  • Detailed Goal: “I want my dog to sit in place when guests come over.”
  • Vague Goal: “I want my dog to stop pulling on the leash.”
  • Specific Goal: “I want my dog to walk at the same pace as me on my left side.”

You can see how the more specific goals are far more actionable.

Reinforce the Behavior

Now that you’ve decided on the specific type of behavior you want your pet to do, it’s time to reinforce that behavior when you see it happen.

For instance, if you want your dog to stop jumping on guests, set up a baby gate to prohibit the jumping. Then ask them to sit and provide their favorite treat. Sitting can also mean you’ll open the baby gate.

A clicker or the word “yes” when they do the behavior will also help them learn what you want to do.

Keep Using Positive Reinforcement

Remember that no matter what behavior you’re shaping, it’s important that you use positive reinforcement over punishment. You’ll find that refusing to reward your dog for unwanted behaviors is often punishment enough!

Vero Beach Pet Behavior Training is for Happy Pets

Prioritizing your pet’s behavior training will help calm hyperactive pets, teach them new and fun tricks, and keep them safe if they escape your house or attempt to eat something that’s toxic for them.

Remember that patience and consistency are the key, but you can make your life easier by starting as soon as you can when they’re young.

Are you experiencing some behavioral issues with your pet? Schedule an appointment with us today–we can help provide answers and tips!

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